Cosmic Creator

We have been playing and activating our cosmic creator from within ourselves recently. Remembering and listening to the frequencies that are playing subtly and loudly from inside of us. 

These notes and tones are signalling the new synchronisations that are happening from within me, within you. Within all of us. 

We are re-aligning, re-tuning from inside to a new frequency.

This body is a sophisticated technology, a network of intricate parts like the inside workings of a complex clock. As one part moves, another piece triggers another movement somewhere else within this network of pieces. Synchronizations of geometric patterns and sequencing. All divinely guided and in divine timing and in perfect sync.

We are all cosmic creators; this is our true frequency as source inside.

We all chose to separate from source itself. 

To go out and explore and experience for ourselves.

We are pioneers of light wanting to expand and explore and experience more and more. 

In a recent vision, I saw us as droplets of golden plasma liquid of light falling away in perfect time from source. Choosing to separate from this huge and expansive pulsating light in the centre of our multiverse, our cosmi-verse.

 It was perfectly designed and we were all dropping away in this beautiful line of golden plasma liquid droplets all shimmering, iridescent balls of liquid light.  

We are droplets of source energy. Source energy is creation itself. Infinite creation. It never stops, it never ends. This is what we hold within us. This is what and who we are. Cosmic Creator energy.

We create and create and keep creating in each moment. We forgot that we are truly master creators. Cosmic light in form and light in action and light having an experience.

We are all in a continual flow of creation. Eggs being broken open and new life emerging and growing.  Birthing new eggs of creation and these eggs breaking open. More and more new creations, again and again. 

We see the greater picture, like the unveiling of a masterpiece of geometric patterns all in differing stages of their own creations.

We also come to see that there is a cosmic and sacred pattern. That there is a sequence of cosmic steps that are all to be played out in divine order to bring our creations into the light, into form, into matter. 

We begin with a thought that inspires us. A thought that makes us break out in goosebumps as our bodies recognise the frequency. These creations are already held within our cosmic ethers. They float around us, waiting in our inner cosmos to be birthed, to be seen and felt and to be experienced.

We have already created them within our own etheric cosmos. All is held within the etheric, all potentialities for us to bring through into our realities. All we truly need to do is to follow the flow of this cosmic sequence and allow it to be birthed into form, into an experience to play  within.

It is like hearing the dial up on a phone. The digital frequencies of tones and sounds being dialled up to create that perfect synergy inside. That synergy of sonic sounds is calling out for that specific creation. 

It is signalling energetically through the light body vessel, ‘get ready, pack your bags and prepare to birth on Earth.’

This dial up sound is also the frequencies we hear within our own inner ears. The tones and frequencies as each part of our inner mechanics move into sacred alignment. Into the cosmic sequencing of its own creation. From the ethers into form or into and experience. 

Whilst we played fully in our human 3d realities. 

We wanted, we needed, we manipulated and we forced things into being. We were manifesting but not truly creating from the joy of the open heart. 

It was always to appease the ego. 

We manifested with attachments to outcomes. There was never any room for manoeuvre. For the universe to play and create with its own magical abilities. To bring through the frequency of that which we wished to birth through, with more joy and radiance and awe.

The process of creation was also slow and our frequencies were low here. Hence our manifestations took longer to show up in our realities.  We were experiencing life from our limited third dimensional DNA. The magic of our multidimentionality was lost to us then.

As we move into greater heart alignment. We begin to operate more fully from our open hearts. Our cosmic hearts and minds link up with our cosmic core, with our innate divine creator abilities. 

From this new space of the open heart. We create in quantum time and space.  From our multidimensional DNA strands.

We play and tweak our creations during our dream time and in our meditations and we get visions and feelings and are called into action.

We use our dream time to design our creations meticulously. To see what would work and what to delete from our reality. 

From this space with our heart wide open. We float from inside, within our own cosmos. We begin to enjoy the whole process of creation, being in awe of creation itself. 

The whole golden sequencing of our creation process is beautiful, as we envision and wait for that flow to come.  When the wave of inspiration takes us, we ride and surf upon them to bring these creations into our worlds, as waves coming to shore.

We no longer hold on to outcomes. We hold no attachments. We make room for the magic, the unknown, the mystery of our universe to unfold. 

Our cosmic Universe is unlimited. We hold no limits here. Limits were a belief we held as we were playing from within our limited 3rd dimensional DNA. strands

We create from the pure frequencies of enjoyment here, enjoying the process of creation itself. The flutters and the sounds from the symphony of our bodies as we dial up within to synchronize with our new creation babies.

We love being inspired, and playing within our ideas. And then we flow flow flow when they are ready to come forward. We flow and we do not sabotage, or procrastinate or distract ourselves any longer. We honour the flow as the creation unfolds. We honour the flow as the creation unfolds.

We take action, we write it down, be it at 2 o’clock in the morning as we are awakened by our universe. 

We allow, we do not stop it. We do not block it. These are our babies to birth and our responsibilities. This is such a sacred part of the sacred sequencing.  We solidify these ideas, these inspirations. We transform them from the etheric and make them real to us.Sacred alchemy. We move light into matter, light into form. Light becomes our experiences. Dreams become our realities.

As we flow with the information and the action that we take to create the alchemy of birthing light into form. We are then called to experience that which we have brought forward. To fully immerse in our own creations and to enjoy them and to appreciate them and to be grateful for them. We are also called to be in awe of them. They came here through us. We birthed them into being. It was only us who could bring our own sacred creations through.

As we do all this, as we access our imagination and our creations in our own cosmic ethers. We are activating and playing within our multidimensional DNA. We are playing within the higher light encodement’s of these multidimensional DNA. strands  Our Sirian and our Pleiadian strands, our Andromedan and our Arcturian strands and so much more. We are beginning to access our higher capabilities, higher technologies and birthing higher dimensional wisdoms and visions. All from our multidimensional DNA and collective higher consciousness, as we simply access our creativity. 

Imagine what we could create as we unified all of these aspects from within us. As we began creating as whole and unified fields of multidimensional frequencies. Accessing our highest potentials and creations. Imagine how powerful these multidimensional creations could be. Co-creating from this place of oneness inside. Oneness with our wholeness within our own cosmos. Creations beyond words, beyond our imaginings.

This is where we are heading. This is how we are evolving. You are remembering yourself as a Cosmic Creator. You hold so many potentialities. They are already there floating around in your ethers. Waiting to be birthed and self-realized.

We are also given more opportunities to experience creations in a myriad of ways. We have our own creations, that we created to birth and experience here. Our own visions of heaven, our New Earth foundations. These are purely our soul and source creations. Our cosmic creations and our responsibility to birth them and bring them through.

We are also offered other opportunities to create by connecting into the collective cosmic field of consciousness and to breathe life into other ideas too. Creations that float within the field of consciousness, that are here to be birthed too and are more open, not affixed to be birthed by a specific someone. These creations just want to be birthed and brought through for others to experience them too.

These are inspirations that we are able to tap into naturally. We are energetic receivers and transmitters of energy. We have antennas and aerials within our own fields. We can often feel them moving and working around the crown area. Emitting and receiving information continually from the cosmic field of consciousness. These ideas are waiting for someone to see them and feel them. If one person does not, the idea moves to another, to inspire someone else who will follow through. 

This has happened so many times in our experiences. So many beings connecting into the same pool of ideas and inspiration. Bringing through something that is cosmically aligned to come through in this now. By whom is of no such importance, only that the vibration and alignment is there.

Here we are not playing within the ego, wanting praise or recognition. These are sacred inspirations that will insist on coming through. These creations are beyond the vessel that was their surrogate. Yet that being who brings them through shares a great service to the all by sharing these inspirations with the world.

Incredible inventions, a revolutionary idea, information, advancements. Often these inspirations come through by many at the same time but in different locations. Their frequencies are needed and the light within them is timely.

We also birth more as we come together. Amplifying an idea and birthing something together with more gusto and power. We come together with the same intentions and we allow for something even more beautiful to be created. Something that was beyond our imaginings as one single being.

As we work together for the benefit of us all. Combining our lights and sharing and birthing something altogether new. We can create a vibrational cocktail of exciting frequencies and colours to come through.

When we improvise, as musicians and artists and speakers and creators.  We are igniting the portal of our own open hearts to communicate with our cosmic universe. We are instigating a communication, calling out for a flow to come through. Signalling and activating the beginning of the sacred sequencing of creation within our own fields. We are saying energetically that we wish to get ready to birth something new. We are willing to allow for the sequencing and the flow to begin.

We open up an opportunity, we open up to the mystery of our cosmic universe.  We are opening up to Instantaneous creations and magic. For the potential of something truly new and unique to be birthed. It also begins to strengthen our inner connection with our cosmic nature and to the flow of creation itself. We are saying that we are energetically ready. We are cosmic creator beings with such magical gifts. We have such capabilities and our imagination and creativity births beauty and uniqeness into our realities.

We came to birth our own creations, and to birth a company of heavenly creations too. To play with and experience the myriad of creations that are available to us and to bring these frequencies into form. We are the frequency holders. The new earth resonators. We came here to energetically build the new earth foundations. To make them solid for others to follow. What we create in this now is our service to humanity. 

We came here together, as one, to create together. We are transforming the whole system of energy. Alchemizing from within us to birth through the new frequencies. What we are doing is cosmic and incredible. Bring through your creations to build these foundations. They are called for now and will be greatly appreciated.

Our creations are pivotal, our creations are sacred. You are holy and divine. Do you remember who you are? 

You are a master cosmic creator.

With Love,


Star Being and Ascension Guide

I have also created a video course to assist us to connect more deeply with our cosmic core. The Cosmic Creator course includes light encoded information, meditations and guided activations, light encoded image activations and remembrances. You are guided through light wisdoms and connections to experience yourself as your true cosmic creators self.

Cosmic Creator Course

(Written 2020)


Andara Crystals; Crystalline Masters of the Heart 


Embracing Change