Aqua Diamond Star Traveller Andara



Pure aqua diamond radiance. Emitter of the aqua diamond ray and frequency of high light. Aquarian Age and coming into alignment with this frequency in all ways

Transcendence, aqua essence of the diamond light within us.

Diamond- ization. Higher Light infiltration within the physical body vessel.

Light body activations, interstellar activations. Star codes, star system activation. Star maps, star lineages activations.

Purity, essence of the celestial core of purity and aqua ray of serenity and peace.

Star Traveller - Inter stellar - code exchange- star light of the aqua diamond light frequency.

Emitter of diamond aqua codes of freedom and higher elevation. Star bundles and codes of activation for the star beings remembrance.

Emitter of diamond aqua codes of freedom and higher elevation. Star bundles and codes of activation for the star beings remembrance.


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