
🌟Star Being Mentorship🌟

Transform your Frequency

You are a Star Seed here to bloom into a Star Being.


Divine Hearts ♡

Sharing here a new opportunity for those who feel it resonates. We will be opening up the opportunity to work with me over a period of 3 months to elevate your frequency.

You are a Star Seed here to bloom into a Star Being.

These sessions are conducted over Zoom and designed to guide you inward. To show you how to connect with your deeper ascended heart and your own inner Earth .

We are here to become contributors of light. Cosmic creators.

We came to implode the old from within to explode the new into our realities.

You are here to birth higher creations into reality. To become a Star Mother, a Star Elder a Star Being.

We do this through the integrity of our pure frequency.

This is an opportunity to move inward/forward in quantum ways.

Come to embody your divinity.

These sessions activate, awaken, support and nourish you as you connect ever deeper with your Soul.

You are here to bring your visions into form in assistance to the whole of humanity.

In each session we work together to;

♡ Transform, elevate and light up your frequency.

♡ We share teachings, practices, visualisations, meditations and personal experiences. We will be holding your hand and guiding you inward onto your pathway of transformation

♡ Access elevated heart awareness with the awakening of the Sacred Rose of Venus within your heart. This is a STARGATE into higher consciousness ♡ L O V E ♡

♡ We share deeper teachings and practices to birth Venus and Gaia through you and to assist with expanding and elevating your consciousness.

♡ Receive light transmissions of wisdom from the Akashic Field; divine Intelligence transmissions to support your blossoming.

♡ We show you and support you with your new inner new earth structures. Opening your eyes to inner see differently.

♡ We work with expanding your awareness, raising your consciousness, stretching your perception into multidimensional awareness.

♡ We guide you forward from Starseed into Star being. This is your growing up story. Your Involution.

♡ We will guide you inward to recover your cosmic creator abilities. Prepare the way for all new realities to be birthed from within you.

♡ We *Highlight* programs and beliefs to be seen and to be rewritten in freedom and light.

♡ You receive the DOVE CODE INITIATION during our last session together. Activation of light and purification..

♡ You receive Andara crystals personally selected by Lois to support and nourish your expansion at this time.

You will also receive support throughout. Emails in-between each session and supportive materials to support your soul’s unfoldment. Light encoded activations, meditations, videos that are aligned with your journey.

Each session is 2 hours and is recorded for you to be able to download and work with again and again.

We will come together each time as is aligned and timely to give space for deeper inner expansions and integration in-between each session..

You are a star seed here to bloom into a Star Being


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